World Rugby elections – process and timelines

World Rugby has published details of the process to elect a new Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Board on 14 November as the call for nominations officially opens

The nominations window has opened ahead of the 2024 World Rugby elections in Dublin on 14 November, which will determine a new Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Board elected by members of the World Rugby Council. 

With outgoing Chair Sir Bill Beaumont having served the maximum two four-year terms, the election is the first under the governance model adopted in 2022 following a comprehensive independent-led governance review process. In accordance with Bye-Law 9, the 53 members of Council will elect a new Chair, before electing six members to the Executive Board from which a Vice-Chair will be elected.  

Nominations can be received from 23 September-15 October, 2024. All nominated candidates will be independently vetted by World Rugby’s Independent Ethics Officer, a key appointment under the adoption of a new integrity code in 2022. The process will be overseen by independent scrutineers, voting numbers will be published and elected officials may serve a four-year term.  

Election of new World Rugby Chair 

To be nominated, all candidates must be members of the World Rugby Council and be nominated by their member union or regional association and seconded by a separate union or regional association. The Chair will become independent upon election and will also be appointed to the EventsCo Board. 

Voting procedure to elect the Chair explained 

The voting process is explained under Bye-Law 9.8.1(c) 

  • In the event that only one candidate is nominated for the position of Chair, that candidate shall be deemed elected. 
  • In the event that more than one candidate is proposed for the position, the Council shall vote by secret ballot (in accordance with the votes allocated to the representatives present and entitled to vote pursuant to Bye-Law 9.4). 
  • To be elected a candidate must achieve a simple majority* of the votes allocated to the representatives present and entitled to vote (pursuant to Bye-Law 9.4).  
  • If following a secret ballot none of the candidates have achieved a simple majority the candidate with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated and a further secret ballot will take place. This process will be repeated until a candidate achieves a simple majority. 
  • In the event of a tied vote between the lowest polling candidates, a further round of voting (by secret ballot) will take place in relation to those tied candidates only to determine who is eliminated. In the event of a repeated tied vote, this process shall be repeated until a candidate is eliminated. When the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated, the ballot for Chair shall continue as set out above.  
  • In the event of a tied vote, the Chair shall have the power to order a recess prior to a further round of voting.   

* A simple majority of the votes allocated to the representatives present and entitled to vote includes any abstentions.  

New World Rugby Executive Board composition and Vice-Chair election process 

In line with the governance reform process in 2022, with effect from the November 2024 elections, the composition of the Executive Board will be as follows broadening representation on the decision-making body: 

  • World Rugby Chair (Elected by Council)
  • World Rugby Chief Executive
  • Independent EventsCo Chair (appointment approved by Executive Board following an independent recruitment process)
  • Two northern hemisphere High Performance Union members (elected by Council from the representatives to Council of the unions of England, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Scotland and Wales)
  • Two southern hemisphere High Performance Union members (elected by Council from the representatives to Council of the unions of Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa)
  • One non-High Performance Union member (elected by Council from the representatives to Council of the unions of Canada, Fiji, Georgia, Romania, Samoa, Uruguay and USA)
  • One regional association member elected by Council from the representatives to Council of the regional associations of Asia Rugby, Oceania Rugby, Rugby Africa, Rugby Americas North, Rugby Europe, Sudamérica Rugby)
  • Three independent members (approved by the Council  – two female, including Angela Ruggiero whose current mandate runs through to 2027)
  • Two athlete representatives nominated by International Rugby Players (IRP) (appointments approved by Council, one male, one female) 

Council will elect six representatives two northern hemisphere High Performance Unions, two southern hemisphere High Performance Unions, one non-High Performance Union and one regional association member for an initial four-year term. To be considered, all candidates must be members of the World Rugby Council and be nominated by their union or regional association and seconded by a separate member union or regional association.  

In accordance with Bye-Law 9.9(c), the voting procedure for the six representatives of the Executive Board shall be as follows:   

  • In the event that only one candidate is nominated for an available position on the Executive Board, that candidate shall be deemed elected. 
  • In the event that more than one representative is proposed for an available position on the Executive Board, the Council shall vote by secret ballot (in accordance with the votes allocated to the representatives present and entitled to vote pursuant to Bye-Law 9.4).
  • The candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes shall drop out. The candidate(s) with the highest number of votes shall be appointed.
  • In the event of the number of votes for the highest polling candidates being tied, a further secret ballot shall be held for those candidates only and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be appointed.In the event of a repeated tied vote, the process described above shall be repeated until a candidate is appointed.  In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the power to order a recess prior to a further round of voting. 

From the six elected candidates, a new Vice-Chair will be elected to serve a four-year term, sitting on the Executive Board. To be nominated, all candidates must be members of the World Rugby Council and be nominated by their member union or regional association and seconded by a separate union or regional association.

In accordance with Bye-Law 9.8.2(b), the voting procedure for the Vice-Chair shall be as follows:    

  • In the event that only one representative seeks election for Vice-Chair, that representative shall be appointed as the Vice-Chair. 
  • In the event that more than one representative is proposed for the position of Vice-Chair, the Council shall vote by secret ballot (in accordance with the votes allocated to the representatives present and entitled to vote pursuant to Bye-Law 9.4). 
  • The candidate(s) with the lowest number of votes shall drop out. The candidate with the highest number of votes shall be appointed. 
  • In the event of the number of votes for the highest polling candidates being tied, a further secret ballot shall be held for those candidates only and the candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be appointed. 
  • In the event of a repeated tied vote, the process described above shall be repeated until a candidate is appointed. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the power to order a recess prior to a further round of voting. 

Nomination timelines 

23 September-15 October – call for candidate nominations  
14 November – World Rugby elections 

Last updated: Sep 24, 2024, 8:59:33 AM
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